The Not Fight

There was only one cookie left. Chris and Gloria looked at the cookie. Then they looked at each other. Chris reached out his hand.

“Mom!” Gloria said. “Can I have another cookie?”

“How many cookies are left?” Mom said.   She was still in the living room, but the cookie was in the kitchen.

“Just one,” Chris said. “But I want another cookie too.”

“I asked first,” Gloria said.

Chris grabbed the cookie. “But I’m holding it.” He raised the cookie towards his mouth and grinned a wide, open-mouthed grin.

Gloria grabbed his arm and hung on it. “Don’t eat it! Mom, he’s going to eat the last cookie. I asked for it first!”

Mom sighed. She came into the kitchen. “Why don’t you split the cookie? Chris can divide it and Gloria can get first pick of the piece she wants.”

“Okay,” Chris said. He broke the cookie in half. One piece was obviously bigger. He licked his finger and touched the bigger piece.

“That’s gross,” Gloria said. “Mom, he got his spit on the cookie.” Gloria broke a clean edge off of the bigger piece and grabbed the smaller half too.   She shoved both into her mouth.

“Hey!” Chris said. “That’s not fair. Mom, she took part of my piece of cookie.”

“Next time there is an extra cookie, I’m eating it,” Mom said. “Now stop fighting or you’re going to bed early.”

“I’m not fighting,” Gloria said. “Chris is just whining.”

“I’m not fighting,” Chris said. “Gloria is just not being fair.”

“Right,” Mom said. She folded her arms and looked at them. “Just remember, if there is any more fighting, you’ll both go to bed early.”   She looked at them again, and then went back to the living room.

“You owe me half a cookie,” Chris said.

“It’s not my fault you put your spit on the bigger piece. That wasn’t really fair you know,” Gloria said.

“It was perfectly fair,” Chris said.

“No it wasn’t.”

“Yes it was.”

“Oh yeah?” Gloria kicked her leg out, but made sure to not really hit Chris.

“Yeah.” Chris swung his arm just above Gloria’s head.

“Are you fighting?” Mom called from the living room.

“Of course not,” Chris said. He punched the air next to Gloria’s arm.

“I’m not fighting,” Gloria said. She stomped on the floor next to Chris’s toes.

“That’s good,” Mom said. “Maybe you both could come in here and we could play a board game or something.”

“Just a minute,” Gloria said. She rapidly poked the air around Chris with her pointer fingers.

“Sounds fun,” Chris said. He elbowed the air above Gloria’s shoulder.

Gloria giggled. Chris smiled. “Let’s go,” he said.   “Maybe we can play Clue.”

Gloria frowned. “That takes too long, and I always lose. Let’s play Uno.”

“Not Uno again,” Chris said. “We always play Uno. Let’s play something else.”

“Are you fighting?” Mom asked again.

“NO,” they both said together.

“Jinx,” Chris said.

Gloria ran into the living room. “Mom, can we play Uno?”

Chris followed her. “I said jinx. You’re not supposed to talk.”

“Whatever,” Gloria said. “Let’s play Uno. I asked first.”

“But I want to play Clue,” Chris said.

“Mom, tell him Clue is boring,” Gloria said.

“That’s it,” Mom said. “We’re playing scrabble.” The kids both groaned.

“That’s not fair,” Gloria said.

“She’s right.  It’s not fair,” Chris said.

“I’m glad you’re agreeing on something,” Mom said.  “But we’re still playing scrabble.”