Category: Flashback Fridays

Flashback Video: To the Moon

This story was originally posted on February 28, 2018. I love writing silly tall tales! It’s fun to imagine they’re true for a moment, even if it’s obvious that they aren’t. If you search my website for the phrase “grandpa story,” you’ll find several more. Please let me know what you think!

Flashback Video: Too Many Godmothers

This story was originally posted on November 8, 2017. I love fairy tales. I also love to tell them a little bit differently. It’s a lot of fun.

The illustration for this video contains a tribute to one of my favorite Richard Scarry characters. Who else is a Richard Scarry fan? Good memories. I hope you enjoy this video!

Flashback Video: Trolling Around

This story was originally posted October 26, 2017. It was posted again on May 17, 2019. I like writing about trolls. They’re like people, but they aren’t people, and I think that’s interesting to explore.

It took a little longer to paint this picture, but it was fun to do. I hope you enjoy the video. Please let me know what you think!

Flashback Video: Mad Plans

This story was originally posted May 12, 2017. It was posted again on May 31, 2019. It was one of the first of my many mad scientist stories. Mad scientists are fun to write about. They are logical, and have goals, and are sometimes also a little bit too dramatic, creative, or silly. It’s all very likable.

This video took a couple retakes to get right. I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know what you think!

Flashback Video: Unlucky Thursdays

This story was originally posted December 8, 2016. It was posted again on May 3, 2019. It remains my favorite of the stories I’ve posted here, so I chose it to be the first of my flashback videos.

I had a lot of fun making the video. I hope you enjoy it, too. Please let me know what you think!