Tag: sheep

The Loop

Irma led her flock towards the promised land. “See, the grass is greener over there,” she said. “We will feast as we never have before. This is a day that your children’s children will remember.”

Just then, a young ram in the back baaaed in dismay. “But, look back. I think it looks greener where we just came from. Doesn’t it?”

The ewes and rams stood in the middle of the road and looked back and forth. “That side is greener,” one said.

“No, that side is,” another said.

“Which side did we come from again?” an elderly ewe asked a friend.

“I have no idea,” her friend said.

Irma baaed for attention. “Don’t stop now. We are almost there. Look at the green grass and go forward.”

The young ram charged forward to stand next to Irma. “Listen to me. The grass ahead looks brown and dead. We know the grass behind us is sweet and green. Why leave? Let’s go home.”

The flock began to murmur as the sheep discussed their options. Some wanted to go forward. Others wanted to go home. No one could agree which side had greener grass. It was hard to tell from the middle of the road.

It didn’t take long for the sheep to separate themselves into groups that either wanted to move forward or go back. Within each of these groups, the sheep began to argue whether they should make a clean break between the groups or wait until the entire group could come to a decision.

Of course, among this second group, some argued that only a unanimous decision would work. Others thought that if most of the group wanted to go one way, the others should follow along. As sheep don’t count well, there was some difficulty in deciding how they’d be able to tell which group was bigger.

A few very vocal rams thought that battling everything out in a ram rumble would decide the whole thing nicely. They weren’t very clear on how that would decide anything. Most of the sheep just ignored them.

In the end, after a lot of discussion, Irma and the young ram decided on a series of debates. They invited the leaders of each of the smaller groups to come and join them and share their opinions and ideas. Unfortunately, the smaller groups didn’t have leaders.

The flock began to argue about how to decide on leaders of each of the groups. As sheep began to quarrel over the leadership of the groups, the groups began to splinter and divide even further. There are always some sheep ready to dart off and follow a new path. Once enough sheep expressed an interest in being leaders, others followed along behind them and decided they wanted to be leaders, too.

The quarreling became so fierce that everyone was speaking and no one was listening. So, it is perhaps unsurprising that no one noticed the rows of cars stretching back in either direction, blocked by the indecisive flock. A few cars honked their horns, and people yelled things out their car windows. This only added to the noise.

The lambs began to bleat sadly that they’re hungry. Can’t they just pick somewhere and go? But the arguing continued, and the flock remained in the center of the road.

And then, the shepherd and his noisy sheepdog arrived. They rudely interrupted the flock and began to herd them back to their original pasture. Several groups tried to break away and head towards the far-off pasture. But in the end, they all had to follow the flock and return.

Of course, this didn’t mean that the arguments were forgotten. Many sheep refused to speak to any of the others for weeks. A few rams held their promised rumble. It didn’t decide anything.

A year passed. Finally, the journey to the promised land was completely forgotten. Until, one day, Irma was grazing near the fence that ran along the road. In between bites of sweet green grass, she happened to look up through the fence and saw the grass in the pasture across the road.

It was so green. Irma was certain it was greener than any grass she’d ever seen. It must be the promised land. She was sure that her mother had told her something about the promised land and it’s never-ending supply of clear water and green grass when she was a lamb. Irma wanted to go to the promised land.

She decided to convince the flock to journey to the promised land together.

Isaac’s Adventures Underwater: Chapter Seventeen

“So, how are you the queen of everything?” Isaac asked.

The sheep smiled. “Would you like to see my store?”

“I don’t have any money.” For some reason, Isaac felt a twinge of embarrassment, even though even if he’d brought money to this world with him, it probably wouldn’t be the right kind.

“Oh, I wouldn’t sell you anything,” the sheep said. “If I sold something, then I wouldn’t have it anymore, and then I wouldn’t be the Queen of Everything.”

“Then isn’t it more like a museum?” Read More

Isaac’s Adventures Underwater: Chapter Sixteen

Isaac waded to shore once he reached the next island. He turned to thank the turtles and octopuses, but they were gone, and they’d taken the pieces of driftwood with them. “Thank you,” he yelled to the empty waves anyway. A tentacle reached up out of the water, waved at him, and then disappeared again.

Isaac turned around, and immediately something flew at his face. He couldn’t see. He grabbed the soft, thin thing and pulled it away from him. It was a shawl, woven with intricate gray and white patterns.

He looked up when he heard the sound of a bicycle horn. Who could be riding their bicycle on the beach? But, it wasn’t a bicycle. A white swan was honking and running towards him, flapping its wings and looking rather large and terrifying.

Isaac held the shawl up like a shield and considered running back into the ocean. Could he swim around to another part of the island that swans didn’t like? And then he realized that nothing was happening.

He peeked over the edge of the shawl. The swan was watching him. “Hello?” Isaac said.

“What are you waiting for?” the swan asked. “Drape it around me. I am so tired of feathers. Do you know how much work it takes to keep them straightened and clean when all you have to work with is a beak?”

Cautiously, Isaac draped the shawl around the swan. It shivered like it was cold and somehow shook itself into a motherly looking lady in a long white dress who fussed with the shawl until she’d tied it and it hung just so.

“Are you a were-swan?” Isaac asked. He looked up. “I guess you change back when it’s noon?”

The lady laughed. “Of course not. I’m a shapeshifter. I change to whatever I want whenever I want to. Except that someone is going to curse me to only be able to change when I’m wearing this shawl.”

Wait a minute. “You mean it hasn’t happened yet?”

“Of course not. But I know it will happen someday, because I can’t change when I’m not wearing the shawl.” The lady smoothed the ends of the shawl that were dangling from where she’d knotted it.

“That doesn’t make sense. How do you know it hasn’t already happened?”

The lady smiled. “Because I can’t lift the curse yet. I can cancel it after it happens, of course, but not before.”

Isaac shook his head. “I don’t understand how it can work backwards like that.”

“You are happy about the holidays before they happen, right? Sometimes weeks and weeks ahead of time?” she asked.

“But that’s not the same thing at all,” Isaac said. “That just happens because I know they’re coming. If I didn’t know about them, I wouldn’t be looking forward to anything at all.”

“Well, I suppose this could happen because I believe it will,” the lady said. She looked uncertain.

“You could try believing that it won’t happen,” Isaac said. “But believing things is hard.”

“Nonsense,” the lady said. “Everyone believes unbelievable things all the time. It’s what makes the world round.”

“Don’t you mean ‘go ’round’?” Isaac asked.

“That too, dear,” the lady said. She handed him the shawl. “Hmmm. Now let’s see…” She wrinkled her brow and tapped her chin with a finger. A few moments later, she began to shiver, and then she shook herself into a sheep.

“It worked!” Isaac said.

“Or the person changed their mind and decided not to curse me after all. I’ll have to thank all the magic users I meet, just to be safe.” The fluffy white sheep turned and looked at Isaac. “Now who are you? I don’t think we’ve met before. Are you a magic user?”

“No, I’m just Isaac. I’m here looking for a party.”

“Ah.” the sheep nodded. “I understand. I once was in your shoes. And now, I’m the Queen of Everything.”

“But what does that mean?” Isaac asked. “How can you be the queen of everything?”

“It’s a long story,” the sheep said.