Tag: fear

Managing Fear

Feeling afraid, stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious can really make it difficult to be creative.

What can you do

Be patient with yourself. Calling yourself names or setting unrealistic deadlines will only add to your stress level. Be kind.

Talk it out. This can be done multiple ways. Talk to a friend or family member — or multiple people. Also write it out in a notebook. In Julia Cameron’s book “The Artist’s Way,” she recommends writing (by hand) 3 pages daily to unload whatever your brain is occupied with.

Take a break. Do something that doesn’t engage your brainlet it relax as you walk, do dishes, bake cookies…something repetitive and calming.

Accept less than your best. During difficult times, it can be a victory to show up and get something done. Sometimes that’s just how it is, and it’s enough.

Save you favorite mental escape — movies, social media, books, chocolate — as a reward for getting work done. (The first step of a large project, another item checked off your list, a half hour of solid work, etc.

How do you manage your fear? What helps when you feel anxious or overwhelmed? How do you continue to create?