Tag: collaboration

Christmas Cartoon Collaboration with Kevin Beckstrom and Arie van de Graaf

When I started my website four years ago, I never imagined I’d be a cartoonist. And so I never imagined I’d be doing a Luke 2 cartoon collaboration with some of the best cartoonists in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Kevin Beckstrom and Arie van de Graaf.

To celebrate a month of #LightTheWorld, we each drew cartoons to focus on a few verses of Luke 2.

All of the cartoons are on Kevin Beckstrom’s website, Beckstrom Buzz: Light the World: Looping Luke 2. Kevin also lives in Salem, Oregon, which is pretty amazing to me! I would never have expected to find another LDS cartoonist here.

Arie van de Graaf is well known for his cartoon seek-and-find pictures that he draws for the Friend magazine. His website is the Ward Cartoonist.

Check out both of their sites! They both were a huge help when I started drawing cartoons for the Church.