Something a Little Different

There’s something magical about trying something new. Last year, my friend’s dad needed some help painting windows for Christmas. We spent long hours painting out in the cold, but it was so much fun. My friend’s dad painted outlines on the windows, and I followed along behind, filling them in. It was like a life sized coloring book had been layered over the windows and doors of various businesses and homes in town.

There were tricks to be learned, of course. Getting the right thickness of paint without dripping paint anywhere, the right order to unpacking and packing things up, always remembering to stir the paint before using it, so many little things that made a big difference. I asked when I was uncertain about things, and my friend’s dad was patient with my questions.

They needed extra help again this year. Today, I spent hours helping paint windows for Christmas. I’ll probably be doing the same for much of next week. I’m really looking forward to it!